Plan Workshops 2019

VisualGapGallery / silkscreen printing

1 March, silkscreen printing– (introduction of technique, theory) address:Hr. Kochar 13, at 16:00

2 March, silkscreen printing– (introduction of technique, theory/practice) address:Hr. Kochar 13, at 16:0

4 March, silkscreen printing– (introduction of technique, theory/practice) address:Hr. Kochar 13, at 16:00

5 March, silkscreen printing– (introduction of technique, theory/practice) address:Hr. Kochar 13, at 16:00

Art Lab / stencil art

4 March, stencil art– (introduction of technique, theory) address: NUACA, at 16:00

5 March, stencil art– (introduction of technique, theory/practice) address: NUACA, at 16:00

6 March, stencil art– (introduction of technique, theory/practice) address: NUACA, at 16:00

Art Lab / grafitti

1 March, grafitti– (introduction of technique, theory/practice) address: NUACA, at 16:00

2 March, grafitti– (introduction of technique, theory/practice) address: NUACA, at 16:00

3 March, grafitti– (introduction of technique, theory/practice) address: NUACA, at 16:00

6 March, video projection – (introduction of technique, theory, presentation) address: NUACA, at 16:00

Gangeviertel / silkscreen printing

6 March, silkscreenprinting– (introduction of the Gangeviertel art center theory) address: Goethe center, at 16:00

7 March, silkscreenprinting– (practice) address: Hr.Kochar 13,  at 16:00

8 March, silkscreenprinting (practice) address:Hr.Kochar 13at 16:00

11 March, silkscreenprinting- (practice) address:Hr.Kochar 13at 16:00

12 March, silkscreenprinting- (practice) address: Hr.Kochar 13at 16:00

Gangeviertel / stencil art

7 March, stencil art- (introduction of technique, theory/practice)

address:Goethe center, at 16:00

8 March, stencil art – (practice) address:Goethe center, at 16:00

11 March, stencil art – (practice) address:Goethe center, at 16:00

12 March, stencil art – (practice) address:Goethe center, at 16:00


11 March, graffiti – (practice) address: NUACA at 16:00

12 March, graffiti- (practice) address: NUACAat 16:00

13 March, graffiti- (practice) address: NUACA at 16:00

14 March, graffiti – (practice) address:NUACA at 16:00

15 March, graffiti – (practice) address: NUACA at 16:00


NUACA: National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, 105, rue Téryan, Erévan 0009

Goethe Center, 1, Mher Mkrtchyan 1, Yerevan 0010

VisualGapGallery,Hr. Kochar 13, Erévan